Vaser Liposuction is a revolutionary, minimally invasive treatment that effectively targets and erases stubborn fat deposits from your body. It uses sound energy to break down fat cells, leaving surrounding tissues unhurt. This redefined approach of liposuction paves the way for precision contouring, offering you the body shape you’ve always aspired to have.

In the battle against fat, sometimes healthy eating and committed exercise regimens may not give you the results you’re yearning for. Genetics, age, or life changes may make shedding weight strenuous from certain body regions. That’s where Vaser Liposuction steps in, gifting you with the power to refine and reshape your body.

If you are in overall good health, have firm, elastic skin, and within 30% of your ideal weight, Vaser liposuction can be an excellent option for you. It’s best suited for those wanting to remove fat from areas resistant to diet and exercise or desiring more definition and contouring.
At Dr. Anuj Purbey Clinic, we highly recommend a personal consultation for a comprehensive understanding of your aesthetic needs and goals.

One of the prime benefits of Vaser Liposuction is its faster, easier recovery phase compared to traditional liposuction. Patients typically resume normal activities within a few days. We equip you with comprehensive aftercare instructions – a clear roadmap for recovery. Of course, our team is always on standby to support you at each step.

When you choose Dr. Anuj Purbey, you don’t just opt for liposuction specialist in Manchester – you invest in an experience that comes with:

  • Safety and Efficacy: Under the guidance of our founder and residential surgeon Dr. Anuj Purbey our team has extensive experience in liposuction procedures including VASER Lipo and UltraShape, which ensures that you achieve the best possible results from your procedure.
  • Personalized Care: Every treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs, health and mental conditions, ensuring optimal outcomes at all stages.
  • Commitment to Patient Satisfaction: Driven by a genuine wish to improve your self-image and confidence, we strive to achieve best-in-class results for our patients.

Vaser Liposuction is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound to break down and remove fat cells from the body. It’s minimally invasive, which makes it an excellent option for those who cannot undergo traditional liposuction or those who want to avoid general anaesthesia. Since the procedure uses ultrasound energy instead of surgical cannulas, there’s no need for incisions or stitches. In short, Vaser Liposuction has the following advantages:

  1. Minimal downtime
  2. Highly effective for stubborn fat areas, such as love handles and saddlebags
  3. Safe for patients with diabetes or heart disease
  4. The only MHRA and FDA (US) approved procedure that can be performed without general anaesthesia
  5. Easier on the body than traditional liposuction due to its non-invasive nature


The initial improvements in your chest’s shape will be visible as soon as the surgery is complete. However, it takes around three months for the full results to emerge—since this is how long it takes for your body to adjust and fully adapt to these changes.

The procedure is performed while you are under general anaesthesia, so it will be pain-free. Any discomfort during the recovery period can be managed with prescribed medication, exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Our doctors’ expertise, coupled with the state-of-the art facilities and technology, minimizes potential complications from the surgery. Potential risks include infection, unfavourable scarring or blood clots—but these are rare and manageable in most cases when our in-house surgeon Dr. Anuj Purbey performs the operation.

Many people can go back to work within 1-2 weeks after surgery, but it depends on what kind of job you have. For physical activity, patients should wait 2-3 weeks before starting any exercises; more strenuous workouts must be avoided for at least 6 weeks postoperative period.

Gynecomastia surgery offers numerous benefits, including an improved self-image and increased confidence. It also allows patients to return to their normal lifestyle activities—for example swimming or working out at the gym.

The procedure can also be used to correct asymmetrical male breasts and improve nipple location.

Gynecomastia surgery is safe and has been performed for over 50 years. The most common side effects include swelling, bruising or soreness at the incision site; however these symptoms usually go away within a few weeks of recovery.

Other possible complications include infection and nerve injury, but they are rare and with additional treatment can be easily taken care of.

Gynecomastia is typically caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body. This can happen naturally during different phases of life, including infancy (when baby is transitioning to a boy), puberty and older age (over 50).

Other causes of gynecomastia can include medications, health conditions (like liver disease and thyroid problems), substance use—such as alcohol and marijuana.

Gynecomastia is usually not serious, but it can be painful and may indicate a more severe underlying condition such as liver disease or cancer if not treated in time. If you think that you are experiencing symptoms of gynecomastia, it’s best to consult with an experienced doctor for further advice.

Gynecomastia can usually be diagnosed through a physical examination and review of medical history. In some cases, doctors might recommend further testing like blood tests or mammograms to rule out other conditions—but this is rare.

Yes, gynecomastia often goes away on its own if it’s the result of something like puberty or aging that can easily be reversed. If a man has chest fat because he’s obese and not taking steps to address his weight issue, has other health conditions or substance abuse then surgery may be needed in order to achieve better results.

Although regular exercise and a healthy diet have been shown to help reduce overall body fat and build muscle, they can’t specifically target the excess breast tissue caused by gynecomastia.

If you are having problems with gynecomastia that cause physical discomfort or psychological distress, consult a medical practitioner at the earliest.

The typical recovery time from surgery is 1–2 weeks, and strenuous activities should be avoided for around 6 weeks. However, the length of recovery period varies depending on various factors such as individual health and specifics of the procedure.

If the cause of gynecomastia has been corrected with surgery and if hormone levels are restored to normal, then it is unlikely that those who have had their glands removed will experience further problems.


The primary signs of Lipoedema include bilaterally symmetrical swelling, disproportionate fat distribution (particularly in the hips and legs), easy bruising, and tenderness. Individuals may also experience sensations of heaviness and fatigue.

Currently, there is no definitive cure for Lipoedema. However, various treatments and management strategies can alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life.

The treatment process usually begins with a clinical examination and diagnosis, potentially with the aid of ultrasound imaging. Treatment options may include compression therapy, lymphatic drainage massage, exercise recommendations, liposuction, or surgical interventions. Aftercare and continuous monitoring also form integral aspects of the treatment process.

Recovery times can vary based on the treatment. Following procedures such as liposuction, patients may need to wear compression garments for 4-6 weeks to control swelling and aid recovery.

Post-treatment, controlling Lipoedema involves regular monitoring, ongoing lymphatic draining, adhering to a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a weight management regimen, and potentially wearing compression garments.

While Lipoedema fat doesn’t typically respond to diet and exercise, maintaining overall health and weight can be beneficial. Additionally, some types of exercise, especially those that promote lymph flow such as swimming, yoga, and walking, can help to reduce associated discomfort

Yes, although less common, Lipoedema can affect the arms and, in some cases, can cause swelling around the ankles, leading to a condition colloquially known as “cankles”.

Compression garments, such as stockings or sleeves, are usually recommended as part of the treatment and post-treatment regimen. These help to increase circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate discomfort.

Yes, Lipoedema is a progressive condition that tends to worsen over time if left untreated. However, progression rates can vary significantly among individuals.

Mons Pubis Liposuction

Mons Pubis Liposuction is a nip and tuck job we do to reduce the size of the mons pubis – the fatty area just above your pubic bone.

Well, if your mons pubis is bit on the large side, chap or madam, it might make tight clothes feel uncomfortable or you might feel a bit self-conscious. This procedure helps sort that.

We’ll have a natter about your health, and then the procedure itself is done under general or local anaesthetic. A small incision is made and a cannula’s used to suck out the unwanted fat.

If you’re in good nick and keep a stable weight, and you’ve got realistic expectations, this might be up your street. Smokers might find the recovery a bit tricky though.

If you’re finding tight clothes or swimsuits uncomfortable, you’re feeling self-conscious or you’ve been trying to shift fat from your pubic area without much success, this procedure might be your cup of tea.

We do traditional liposuction, which uses a cannula to get rid of the unwanted fat, and a procedure called the Tumescent Technique, where a solution’s used to firm up the tissue and make it easier to remove the fat.

At our place, we know what we’re doing and we make sure we take good care of our patients. We’ll have a proper chinwag before the procedure to make sure it’s right for you and your aims.

We’ll look after you from start to finish, from your first consultation, pre-op assessment and the procedure itself, right through to making sure you’re healing well in our post-op care and checking up on things in your aftercare review.

Typically, it’s a quick job; about an hour or so.

You’ll need to take things easy for about a week or so after the procedure, so we’d advise taking that time off work.

The procedure is carried out under local or general anaesthetic, so you won’t feel a thing during the operation. You might have some discomfort afterwards, but we’ll advise you on how to manage this.

You’ll have a bit of swelling after the procedure, but once that’s gone down in a few weeks, you’ll be able to see the new you.

Well, technically yes, but we aim to get you the results you want so you won’t need to reverse anything.

There might be some swelling, bruising or numbness, but these should sort themselves out.

The cost can vary depending on your individual needs. We’ll be able to give you an idea after you’ve had a consultation with Dr. Purbey.

Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that aims to enhance the volume and contour of your lips. This could involve the use of injectable fillers, a fat transfer, or surgical procedures, depending on your specific needs and the recommendations of Dr. Anuj Purbey.

Lip augmentation is suitable for any individual wishing for a fuller, more defined smile. However, the best candidates are usually those who are physically healthy, have realistic expectations, and can avoid smoking post treatment or at least during recovery.

At Dr. Anuj Purbey’s clinic, we offer a variety of methods for lip augmentation, including injectable fillers like hyaluronic acid, fat transfers, and surgical lip lifts, depending on the desired effect and patient preference.

The duration of the procedure varies depending on the method chosen. Injectable fillers are quick and may take only 30 to 90 minutes, while surgical methods like lip lifts could take around 1-2 hours.

Recovery times vary depending on the procedure conducted, but generally, major swelling and bruising subside within a week.

The durability of results depends on the type of procedure. While some injectable fillers last from six months to a year, surgical lip lifts or fat transfer procedures often provide more lasting effects.

Our team takes all the necessary precautions to ensure that your experience is as comfortable as possible. Typically, a local anaesthetic is used to numb the area before applying the filler. Some mild discomfort, following the treatment, is normal.

Every surgical procedure carries some risk. Potential complications of lip augmentation could include infection, bleeding, scarring, or asymmetry. However, these risks are minimized under the careful guidance of Dr. Anuj Purbey and his extensive experience in the field.

The cost of lip augmentation can vary depending on the specifics of the treatment plan. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Anuj Purbey to discuss pricing.

Yes, one of the goals of lip augmentation is to enhance your lips while maintaining a natural look and feel.

Patient satisfaction is our primary concern. If you’re not satisfied with the results of your procedure, please contact our specialists to discuss potential solutions.

There are typically no restrictions on the use of lip cosmetics following the procedure, although it’s a good idea to allow any swelling or bruising to subside first.

Our team of aesthetic experts will guide you during your consultation about the pre-procedure protocol. This generally includes avoiding certain over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements that can increase bleeding.

Yes, one of the aims of lip augmentation can be to correct asymmetry and achieve a balanced look.

You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Anuj Purbey through the ‘Book Consultation’ option available on our website, or by calling our clinic at +44 7503529660.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are a bit of stuff you get injected that helps to plump up your skin, smooth out wrinkles, and gives your face a bit of a lift. They’re a right good trick to give you that youthful and fresh-faced look.

No doubt about it! When you’ve got a seasoned pro like Dr. Purbey doing the business, you’re in good hands. The stuff they inject is typically well-tolerated by your body.

We’ve got a right selection – Hyaluronic Acid fillers, Calcium Hydroxylapatite fillers, Poly-L-Lactic Acid fillers, and Polymethylmethacrylate fillers. We’ll have a chinwag to work out which is your best bet.

Depends on what kind we go for, and on you. Generally speaking, dermal fillers can hang around from six months to over a year.

Most of our patients find it’s not too bad. We use numbing cream to keep you comfortable during the treatment.

You should be able to get back to your normal routine straight away. You might have a bit of bruising or swelling but that should sort itself out within a week.

We’ll have a natter during your consultation to look over your health and treatment goals to see if dermal fillers are right up your street.

Absolutely, dermal fillers can be used in combo with other treatments to help you look your best. We’ll tailor a plan based on what’s best for you.

Hyaluronic Acid fillers can be taken out if need be. However, some fillers are semi-permanent, so they’re in for the long haul.

Usually, side effects are minor – a bit of redness, swelling, or bruising at the spot where we did the injection. Dr. Purbey will go through everything with you when you pop in for a chat.

Our clinic brings together a personalised approach, cutting-edge techniques, and Dr. Purbey’s vast know-how. We’re dedicated to giving you the best results while ensuring you’re well looked after.

The cost can vary depending on what type and how much filler we use. We’ll give you a rough idea after you’ve had a chat with Dr. Purbey.

You can see an instant improvement – right bob on! The final results though, you’ll see a few days after treatment when the swelling or redness calms down.

Nah, they’re not for keeps. Over time, your body will naturally absorb them and they’ll disappear on their own.

Well, this depends on what type we use and how your body reacts to it. After a chinwag, Dr. Purbey will sort you out with a personalised treatment plan, including when you should come back to keep things looking sharp.

Wrinkle Reduction

We carry out a range of wrinkle-reducing treatments, including dermal fillers, botulinum toxin injections, hyaluronic acid injection treatments and facial PDO threading.

Wrinkle reduction treatments work by either relaxing the muscles causing the wrinkles, filling in the creases and lines with natural or synthetic materials, or tightening and rejuvenating the skin to minimize wrinkles.

The results may vary depending on the treatment and the individual, but generally, wrinkle reduction treatments can last up to 6 months to 2 years depending on factors like the type of treatment, area treated, post-op care, and individual response.

Although wrinkle reduction treatments are generally safe, some people might experience side effects such as redness, bruising, swelling, or pain at the injection site. These side effects are temporary and usually resolve quickly.

Most wrinkle reduction treatments show noticeable results within 1-2 weeks after the procedure. However, each individual’s response to the treatment and the type of treatment provided can affect the exact time frame.

Wrinkle reduction treatments offered by Dr. Anuj Purbey usually involve minimal downtime, allowing the patient to return to their everyday activities shortly after treatment.

Dr. Anuj Purbey prizes safety and efficacy above all else. All treatments offered are minimally invasive and designed to provide optimal results, while prioritizing patient comfort and wellbeing.

If you’re concerned about wrinkles, fine lines, or other signs of aging, a consultation with Dr. Anuj Purbey can help determine the best course of action tailored to your individual needs and goals.

The cost of wrinkle reduction treatments usually varies depending on the type of treatment and the area treated. Dr. Anuj Purbey would be happy to discuss pricing and financing options during a consultation.

Contact Dr. Anuj Purbey’s clinic by phone at +44 7503 529660 or email at . You can also book an appointment by filling out the appointment form.

Facial PDO Threading

Facial PDO Threading is a cracker of a treatment! We use polydioxanone (PDO) threads and insert them beneath the skin. It works a treat, lifting your skin and promoting collagen production, giving you a natural and youthful glow.

Well, unlike surgical facelifts, our PDO Threading treatment is a doddle, no surgery involved. Plus, it’ll leave you with results that are the bee’s knees, with only minimal side effects and at a price that won’t break the bank.

Fear not! Our team of professionals will be making sure you’re as comfortable as a dog with two tails. We use local anaesthesia or numbing cream to ease any mild discomfort you may feel.

It’s swift, mate, you’ll be in and out in no time. Typically, your Facial PDO Threading treatment will last between 30 – 45 minutes.

You’re in for an instant lift right after the procedure, with things even better in the coming weeks, as new collagen forms leaving you with smoother, firmer skin.

Effects of PDO Threading treatment can last a good stretch, usually from 12 to 18 months – depending on individual factors like age, skin’s elasticity and lifestyle habits.

No need to panic. Some folk may experience a bit of swelling, bruising, or mild discomfort. But all these usually do one within a few days to a week.

Ideal candidates are those with mild to moderate sagging skin who are after a non-surgical pick-me-up.

Trade in long recovery periods of a surgical facelift for our PDO Threading’s minimal downtime. You’ll be back to your daily routine in a jiffy.

A spot of downtime is required but nothing major. We do recommend keeping strenuous exercise and excessive facial movements on the back burner for about a week.

Absolutely, it’s as safe as houses. You’re in the best of hands with our experienced team led by Dr. Anuj Purbey.

Yeah, you can. PDO Threading can go hand in hand with other treatments like dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, getting you bang on results. We’ll walk you through what’s best for you during your consultation at our Manchester clinic.

Just one treatment is usually enough for most folk. But we might recommend maintenance sessions to keep those lovely effects lasting longer.

The cost depends on the areas that are treated. But we promise full transparency and an affordable pricing structure when you come see us for a consultation.

It’s easy peasy! To book a consultation with our main man Dr. Anuj Purbey, just give us a ring, drop an email, or visit our website. We can’t wait to start you on your journey towards achieving your dream look!

Skin Lesions - Mole, Cyst, Skin Tag Removal

Skin lesions are abnormal growths or patches on the skin, such as moles, warts, or cysts. They always look different and sometimes itchy too from the surrounding skin.

We recommend that you have any growth removed from your skin if it causes discomfort, interferes with your daily life or activities, has the potential to become malignant, or when you want a smooth and fresh skin.

The area surrounding the lesion is numbed with a local anaesthetic, so you shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Recovery times vary widely from patient to patient, but most people heal completely within a few weeks.

You can usually return to work or your normal activities the day after surgery. However, we may advise you to avoid strenuous physical activity for a few days afterward.

Scars tend to fade over time, but they can be more noticeable—or less so—depending on their location and size.

The cost of treating your stye can vary based on the type and location of the lesion. Please contact us to discuss pricing directly with a member of our team.

If a medical procedure is necessary to treat an ailment, it will be covered by insurance. Cosmetic procedures, on the other hand, may not be insured if they are deemed unnecessary.

While rare, complications such as infection, nerve damage, or an allergic reaction to anaesthesia can occur.

Irregular borders, varying colour, rapid growth, bleeding, or itching can all indicate a potentially problematic lesion.

Yes, indeed. If we detect and biopsy a suspicious skin lesion early on, it can help diagnose skin cancer at an early stage.

If a mole changes in size, colour, shape or starts to itch or bleed, it may need to be checked for cancer. Some people might also choose to remove it for cosmetic reasons.

The procedure usually involves numbing the area around the mole and using a small blade to cut it off. If the mole is large, sutures may be required.

Most cysts are harmless and disappear on their own. However, some can grow large, become painful, or look unsightly. These might need to be removed.

In a typical procedure, the area around the cyst is numbed, a small incision is made, and then the cyst is removed. The wound is then cleaned, and sutures or a dressing is applied.

Skin tags are usually harmless and don’t require treatment. However, they might be removed if they become irritated, if they are in visible areas, or for cosmetic reasons.

Our expert aesthetic surgeons help you enhance natural beauty with customized procedures that deliver stunning results.