Before & After

Vaser Liposuction :- Lower Abdomen and Flanks

Vaser Liposuction :- Flanks and Inner Knees

Vaser Liposuction :- Upper & Lower Abdomen, Full Back and Flanks

Vaser Liposuction :- Lower Abs and Flanks

Vaser Liposuction :- chest, upeer & lower abdomen and flanks

Gynaecomastia :- Lower Abdomen

Lipoedema :- 360° Full Legs

NOTE: Please note that the images shown before and after a procedure cannot guarantee that your result will be exactly the same. Even if you closely resemble a patient featured in the gallery, your outcomes may differ. This is because everyone has unique tissue anatomy, healing capabilities and tendency to scar. Numerous factors play a role in the success of surgery, some of which are beyond the surgeon’s control.

Our expert aesthetic surgeons help you enhance natural beauty with customized procedures that deliver stunning results.